Sunday, July 27, 2014

Tea Cup Bird Feeders

After making my bird bath (see post below) and then having to re-make my bird bath several times for reasons beyond my control; I decided the birds also needed a feeder.

I found two ceramic "Giant" tea cups from Michael's that was on sale, originally $10.99 and I got them for around $2.00 each. The saucer came glued to the bottom of the tea cups, which for me was an issue since I wanted the tea cups to be on their sides.

The glue melted right off, after running the cup under hot water for about 40 seconds.

Using the 100% waterproof Gorilla Glue, I adhered the cup to the saucer, laying it down with the handle up at the top. This way, I would be able to hang the cups by their handles.

Once dried, I was able to hang them and fill them with bird seed.

I hope the birdies like their birdy-sanctuary! 

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